Select a meeting
Cuppa with Callie ~ online30 minutesThis is your time - feel free to chat with me about anything (or ask me anything). It's also a great place to start if you're thinking of working with me or have any questions about how I might be able to help you.we will be connnecting using the Zoom platform (free to download, very easy to use)
This is your time - feel free to chat with me about anything (or ask me anything). It's also a great place to start if you're thinking of working with me or have any questions about how I might be able to help you.
- we will be connnecting using the Zoom platform (free to download, very easy to use)
Health check ~ online60 minutesLet's take a look at your health check results together (or if you wish me to help you complete your health check): online health check formIf you live near to south west London/Surrey and would like to meet in person, please do let me know:
Let's take a look at your health check results together (or if you wish me to help you complete your health check): online health check form
If you live near to south west London/Surrey and would like to meet in person, please do let me know:
Health and wellbeing business (+ coaching/mentoring) ~ online60 minutesIf you're looking to develop - or are open to the idea of developing - your own thriving wellbeing business we'd be delighted to chat with you about the possibilities and next steps.One of our team already? please use this to schedule your coaching/mentoring slot.Callie & Emilio
If you're looking to develop - or are open to the idea of developing - your own thriving wellbeing business we'd be delighted to chat with you about the possibilities and next steps.
One of our team already? please use this to schedule your coaching/mentoring slot.
Callie & Emilio
Mindscaping ~ online60 minutes~ a lightning-quick way to make real, longlasting changes Discover the power of Mindscaping - a specialist guided visualisation process - which works with your unconscious self to help you achieve amazing breakthroughs and changes in a single session.this session will be held online, using the Zoom platform (free to download; very easy to use)
~ a lightning-quick way to make real, longlasting changes
Discover the power of Mindscaping - a specialist guided visualisation process - which works with your unconscious self to help you achieve amazing breakthroughs and changes in a single session.
- this session will be held online, using the Zoom platform (free to download; very easy to use)
88 GBP -
Therapeutic session ~ Unfurling (90 mins) ~ online90 minutesUnfurling is a unique session which offers you a gentle, powerful way to explore and heal issues in a safe, non-judgmental space.Unfurling offers a nurturing blend of creative exploration, person-centered therapy and coaching, enabling you to get to the heart of the matter in a simple, effective way, and to make powerful longlasting change.this session will be held online, using the Zoom platform (free to download, very easy to use)payment is £444 for 4 sessions, each session lasting 90 minutes
Unfurling is a unique session which offers you a gentle, powerful way to explore and heal issues in a safe, non-judgmental space.
Unfurling offers a nurturing blend of creative exploration, person-centered therapy and coaching, enabling you to get to the heart of the matter in a simple, effective way, and to make powerful longlasting change.
- this session will be held online, using the Zoom platform (free to download, very easy to use)
- payment is £444 for 4 sessions, each session lasting 90 minutes